Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Paddy's Day

Oh, Saint Patrick! Thank you for your kind humble spirit and for being a father to the citizens. For in the clover we find the three most important beings in our life time here on this earth: God the Father; the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

I will celebrate today in memory of the courage you displayed en route to the land in which you were a slave. You helped the citizens in those days, and history is not erased.

" Oh, I'm off to see if my money's good down at the local Pub...Don't know if I'll make it home in time for dinner...have no time for these pitiful snobs..so it's off to find me a lucky Irish sinner..." by lisa marie kennedy-martinez

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I had a blast...

when I went to Hawaii. It was a personal "blast". I was inspired by the beauty of the universe, once again, to keep on pursuing the road to knowledge of everything that comes to my mind.

I am not going to put on hold my curiosities of "things" any longer. I speak of nonsense; as some have said before. No, not me little angels. I speak of what I know, what I wish to learn, what is of interest to me, and the intelligent world just waiting to be discovered.

I am a lover of the earth and stop to notice the small things. I love spring!!!

My life requires my full attention to details..to my children, to myself, and to others that live around me.

This is what happens to an individual whose family is torn apart, and the individual has no "real" friends in the world today.

I am living in the now, facing the realities..and day by day, it's a little more easier..

Seek out what you wish to know...the rest will follow.