Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Seizures are just bad accidents bound to happen. A middle aged woman, who accompanied her 4th grader on a recent field trip, suffered a seizure right outside of the museum they were visiting. Without any kind of warning, she fell straight back to the limestone floor, and seized all body movement.

I ran as quick as I could, to see what I could do to help. I rolled her over onto her side, and just spoke to her calmly, telling her to relax, and to try to breath. Even though I knew she couldn't hear me. Her eyes were wide open, and her pupils were fixated, no movement.

She had no identification on her, and no wristband for emergency situations like this. After the ordeal was over, I was informed that she had regained consciousness and was doing better.

I wish I knew more, but then again, if I had a chance to talk to her, I probably wouldn't be very good company. I was so enraged at the fact that she is a mother who did not have a bracelet on, and her 4th grader was too upset to even talk.

I haven't researched if it is unlawful to not wear a medical bracelet if you have a serious medical condition. One should be worn every time that an individual leaves for public outings with their families.