In an effort to remain in a mode of fiction or in this case, probably non-fiction, I discovered this film to be quite the story of a genius. If you're somewhat of a natural intellectual in life, then understanding the magnitude of this film's portrayal of "Slumdog" facts in another country is easy to understand. This film will remain a piece of work for some time in my mind.
I have to give it a never ending list of stars for excellence. The writers and producers really knew what they were accomplishing way before the directing began.
The actors must exist somewhere in the world. I've never heard of any of them, but yet they delivered a strong presence of ownership of the script for this feature.
A third world country. A place where Americans show who they really are? I mean, what type of an impact can an Actual American Truly have on a 3rd World Country?
These are out of control places, with no true government to protect them! No money going back into their economy, or their inhabitants education. No protection for their children!
A reality check hit home in an instant when I rediscovered the pain of mother hood in my own life, when Jamal's mother was killed in front of him. I let out a silent cry of agony. I cried.
I said a prayer for the souls who are hurting everywhere.